Fun Fly


So what is Fun Fly?

If you want the definitive answer then click on the following link to take you to the British Fun Fly Association.

So how is our Fun Fly different?

Well our emphasis is on FUN!

Fun Fly events take place every month between April and October on a Sunday morning.

All skill levels of pilots are welcome and we have a number of individual events in which you score points depending on your finish position.

Now, it’s not a competion because the idea is for pilots of all abilities to complete manoeuvres that they might not otherwise attempt under normal circumstances, and in the process, improve their flying skills.

So what kind of events do we complete?

  • Climb and Glide – full power climb for a specified time, cut the motor and glide for as long as possible. Position decided by the order that everyone lands
  • Spot Landing – complete a half circuit, cut the power and land as near to the spot as possible
  • Loops and Rolls – one loop and roll in the take off direction followed by one loop and roll in the opposite direction and land. Timed event.
  • Timed Flying – Aim to land exactly after a given time after wheels off. Timed event – the closer to the time, the better your score.
  • Touch and Go – Complete as many touch and goes within a given time inside a defined area – usually a drawn square
  • Limbo – fly under a set height between 2 poles as many times as possible in the given time

At all times the emphasis is on safe flying and the preservation of your aircraft!

Do I need a special plane?

No, any plane can be used but as skills improve the natural progression is to a specialised plane designed to be more agile!